Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 5HN

Tel: 01377 253371


Driffield Junior School

Caring, learning, sharing - Success for all

Driffield Junior School News

The latest news stories from Driffield Junior School.


News Stories

  • Read & Stay
    Y6 loved welcoming their parents to our Read and Stay afternoon on Monday
  • We've been raising funds for Children in Need
    Children and staff dressed in yellow and spots for Children in Need Day.
  • Visiting Poet
    Annaliese Emman-Dean visited us.
  • Keeping Ourselves Well
    Year 6 were visited by our school nurses who have helped us to keep fit and well over the winter.
  • Remembrance Day
    Year 5 led the remembrance service on Friday.
  • Tuesday 8th November
    Children were using the computer suite today to brush up their English skills by working on the Lexia program.
  • Monday 7th November
    Rev Colin Marchment visited our school today to lead an assembly about working together, supporting one another and friendship.
  • Open Morning
    We were delighted to welcome so many parents and carers to our Open Morning. Please see the learning page for more details and feedback.
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