Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 5HN

Tel: 01377 253371


Driffield Junior School

Caring, learning, sharing - Success for all

  1. News
  2. School Councillors hold their first pupil safety strategy meeting

School Councillors hold their first pupil safety strategy meeting

13 January 2023 (by Catherine Passmore (catherine.hakner))

Please see the below account of the last meeting.

Before Christmas, our school councillors were tasked with observing drop off and pick up times around our school grounds. Yesterday, they met with Mr.Lowe to present their findings and discuss strategies that would improve the surrounding environment making it a safer place for our pupils and their parents/carers. They decided their first strategy would be to create a video for parents and pupils detailing the main issues. This will be posted on the app soon.